Barnet Conservatives are deeply concerned by the Labour administration's underhanded plan to strip £2 million from the borough’s voluntary and community sector, hidden within their latest budget proposals. These cuts threaten the invaluable services provided by local charities and community groups, services that support some of our most vulnerable residents.
The largest saving in Communities Adults and Health is £1.85m from better use of the Household Support Fund Grant. When asked what this saving actually was Cabinet members and senior officers were completely unable to explain how redirecting £1.85m of funding could be a saving unless it substituted for existing expenditure and the money was taken away from those currently receiving the money whether residents or the community or voluntary sectors.
Their so-called "consultation" process surrounding this budget is nothing short of a farce. The proposals are buried in technical jargon and lack transparency, leaving residents unable to understand the true impact of these devastating changes. This approach undermines the principles of open governance and excludes the very people who will be affected by these decisions.
Barnet has a duty to consult with its residents on the budget but if no one can possibly understand what the budget savings are how can it be a valid consultation?
Cllr Lucy Wakeley, Deputy Leader of Barnet’s Conservative Cllrs and Shadow Lead for Adults said:
"The Labour administration’s plan to quietly siphon funds from vital community services is an insult to Barnet residents. We call on them to come clean about their intentions and give residents the clarity and respect they deserve."
The Barnet Conservatives stand with our voluntary and community organisations, recognising the lifeline they provide to so many in our borough. We will fight these proposals and ensure residents' voices are truly heard.